What is OOPs
OOPs(Object Oriented Programming) It is the type of
operations(functions in c & methods in java) that can be applied to the
data structure. In this way, the data structure becomes an object that includes
both data and functions or methods.
Object Oriented Programming: -
Object Oriented Programming is a methodology to design a
program using classes and objects. It is used to develop software.
Concept of OOPs in java
1) Class 2)
Object 3) Inheritance
4) Polymorphism 5)
Abstraction 6) Encapsulation
1) Object: -
An object is the instance of the class. Instance means, the
object of the class on which we are currently working.
2) Class: -
Class is the collection similar object. It is just like
template which is used to create an object.
3) Inheritance: -
Inheritance may be defined as the process by which we can
use the properties and behavior of parent class. In Inheritance we make the two
classes one is child class and other one is parent class. Child class inherits
all the elements of parent class.
4) Polymorphism: -
Poly means many and morphism means forms polymorphism is one
thing but it has many features
5) Abstraction: -
To represent the essential feature without including the
background detail. E.g Monitor of Computer, we do not know the internal detail
of monitor who its work.
6) Encapsulation: -
Encapsulation is the process to wrapping the data and
function into a single unit i.e a class in order to protect it from the outside
word. Encapsulation is also known as data hiding
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